IELTS lyttepraksis – Anmeld et tyveri

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1.  Anna Andersson
2.  Sunrise House
3.  black leather
4.  45287709
5.  small silver
WOMAN: Good morning. Is this the right place to report a theft?
WOMAN: Right. I’ve had my bag stolen. It happened last night when I was…
POLICE OFFICER: Slow down a minute. Let’s get some details from you first. Can I have your name?
WOMAN: Yes. It’s…Anna Andersson. That’s A double N A, Andersson – A N D E R double S O N.
POLICE OFFICER: And what’s your address?
WOMAN: Do you want my home address or my address here in New Zealand?
POLICE OFFICER: Let’s start with a local address here.
WOMAN: I’m staying in a hostel. It’s called Sunrise House.
POLICE OFFICER: Sunrise Hostel.
WOMAN: No – House, not hostel.
POLICE OFFICER: Oh, OK! Is that the one in Beach Road?
WOMAN: Yes, that’s right.
POLICE OFFICER: Right… Now can you describe the bag that was stolen?
WOMAN: Yes… it was a leather bag, a black leather one… but I’m more worried about the contents because it has my passport and my watch in it.
POLICE OFFICER: I see. Do you know the passport number?
WOMAN: Yes, I think it’s 45287709.
WOMAN: No, 7709.
POLICE OFFICER: Oh, and can you tell me what kind of watch it was?
WOMAN: I can’t remember the make, but it was quite small, with a silver band.
POLICE OFFICER: OK – no make but…it’s a small silver watch. We’ll get this description sent round to all the stations in the area. Meanwhile, I suggest you get in touch with the embassy…

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