French for Beginners – Memory Game – Head and Face Vocabulary

  • A free online flashcard matching game (with voice) to enhance your grasp of basic French vocabulary
  • A fun online game for French learners of all age, kids and adults

French for Beginners – Memory Game – Head and Face Vocabulary

Learn how to say the different parts of the head and face in French

Käännös useille kielille – Valitse Kieli
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Mahdollisia ratkaisuja: [1] Vaihda selainta tai laitetta. [2] Lataa ääni siirtymällä (järjestelmän) asetuksiin.

la tête the head head
les cheveux (m) the hair hair
le visage the face face
le front the forehead forehead
l’œil, les yeux (pl, m) the eye, the eyes eye(s)
le sourcil the eyebrow eyebrow
les cils (m) the eyelashes eyelashes
l’oreille (f) the ear ear
la joue the cheek cheek
le nez the nose nose
les narines (f) the nostrils nostrils
la bouche the mouth mouth
la langue the tongue tongue
les lèvres (f) the lips lips
les dents (f) the teeth teeth
le menton the chin chin
la mâchoire the jaw jaw
la barbe the beard beard
la moustache the moustache moustache
le sourire the smile smile

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