It’s pouring in Hong Kong! The RED Rainstorm signal has been issued. That means heavy rain has fallen or is expected to fall generally over Hong Kong, exceeding 50 millimetres in an hour, and is likely to continue. Well, what’s the weather like in your country? Does it rain a lot in your town?
Weather is always a good neutral topic to start a conversation, especially with a stranger or an acquaintance. It is often used as an ice breaker in various situations. British people are well-known for talking about the weather. According to The Telegraph website, a study has revealed that Brits spend 5 months of their lives talking about weather.
Kuten ehkä tiedät, sää on myös yksi yleisimmistä aiheista IELTS Speaking Testissä. Seuraavassa videossa opit paljon hyödyllistä englannin sanastoa ja ilmaisuja, joiden avulla voit puhua erilaisista säätyypeistä erittäin selkein esimerkein.
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