Have you been working from home or has your school closed due to coronavirus? Billions of people around the world have been urged to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus in the community.
How do people from different countries say “stay home” (stay at home) and “coronavirus” in their native languages?
Stay Home! Stay Safe!
Czech: Zůstat doma
Dutch: Blijf thuis
Greek: Μείνε στο σπίτι σου
Portuguese: Fiquem em casa
Filipino: Manatili sa bahay
Danish: Bliv hjemme
Bulgarian: Остани си вкъщи
Austrian German: Bleibt’s daheim
Estonian: Püsi kodus / Jääge koju
French: Reste à la maison
Hindi: घर पर रहो
Polish: Zostań w domu
Lithuanian: Lik namuose
Spanish: Quédate en casa
Uzbek: Uyda qoling
Russian: Останься дома
Latvian: Paliec mājās
Irish: Fan sa bhaile
Norwegian: Bli hjemme
Romanian: Stai acasă
German: Bleib zuhause
Croatian: Ostanite kući
Azerbaijani: Evdə qalın
Bosnian: Ostanite kod kuće
Cebuano: Magpabilin sa balay
Finnish: Pysy kotona
Hebrew: הישארו בבית
Swedish: Stanna hemma
Ukrainian: Залишайтеся вдома
Turkish: Evde kalın
Indonesian: Tetap di rumah
Kazakh: Үйде қалу
Slovak: Zostaň doma
Hungarian: Maradj otthon
Japanese: 家にいる
Slovenian: Ostanite doma
Welsh: Aros adra
Polish: Zostań w domu
Georgian: დარჩი სახლში
Italian: State a casa / Rimani a casa / Resta a casa