IELTS Listening Practice – Lopás bejelentése

kattintson ide, ha a fenti hang nem működik

Nézd meg a kérdések szavait és elrendezését, és döntsd el, milyen információkra kell figyelned, pl. egy név, egy hely, egy szám, egy dátum, egy melléknév.

Töltse ki az űrlapot. Minden válaszhoz legfeljebb két szót és/vagy egy számot használjon.

1.  Anna Andersson
2.  Sunrise House
3.  black leather
4.  45287709
5.  small silver
WOMAN: Good morning. Is this the right place to report a theft?
WOMAN: Right. I’ve had my bag stolen. It happened last night when I was…
POLICE OFFICER: Slow down a minute. Let’s get some details from you first. Can I have your name?
WOMAN: Yes. It’s…Anna Andersson. That’s A double N A, Andersson – A N D E R double S O N.
POLICE OFFICER: And what’s your address?
WOMAN: Do you want my home address or my address here in New Zealand?
POLICE OFFICER: Let’s start with a local address here.
WOMAN: I’m staying in a hostel. It’s called Sunrise House.
POLICE OFFICER: Sunrise Hostel.
WOMAN: No – House, not hostel.
POLICE OFFICER: Oh, OK! Is that the one in Beach Road?
WOMAN: Yes, that’s right.
POLICE OFFICER: Right… Now can you describe the bag that was stolen?
WOMAN: Yes… it was a leather bag, a black leather one… but I’m more worried about the contents because it has my passport and my watch in it.
POLICE OFFICER: I see. Do you know the passport number?
WOMAN: Yes, I think it’s 45287709.
WOMAN: No, 7709.
POLICE OFFICER: Oh, and can you tell me what kind of watch it was?
WOMAN: I can’t remember the make, but it was quite small, with a silver band.
POLICE OFFICER: OK – no make but…it’s a small silver watch. We’ll get this description sent round to all the stations in the area. Meanwhile, I suggest you get in touch with the embassy…

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