Kuis Tata Bahasa Inggris – Preposisi Waktu (at, in, on) – Semua Tingkat

Uji pengetahuan Anda tentang preposisi waktu bahasa Inggris (at, in, on)

Jika Anda seorang pemula atau pelajar dasar (A1 – A2), klik di sini untuk kuis versi dasar.

Klik di sini untuk catatan tata bahasa dan daftar contoh.


- All Levels -

1 / 20

We get up very early _____ schooldays.

2 / 20

People used to write a lot more letters _____ those days.

3 / 20

They got married _____ the week after Easter.

4 / 20

It rained _____ all day.

5 / 20

What kind of activities do you like most _____ the Easter holiday?

6 / 20

_____ of my birthday we planned to go out for dinner.

7 / 20

Make sure you arrive in plenty of time _____ the morning of the exam.

8 / 20

This house was built _____ the 19th century.

9 / 20

I was woken up _____ the middle of the night by a phone call.

10 / 20

Gas prices always go up _____ this time of year.

11 / 20

The folk festival is always held _____ the last weekend in July.

12 / 20

We had good weather _____ all week.

13 / 20

_____ you were born, you brought wonder and magic to the world.

14 / 20

We got up _____ sunrise.

15 / 20

They finished the test _____ the same time.

16 / 20

Ben can run 100 metres _____ 11 seconds.

17 / 20

We went to Italy _____ last summer.

18 / 20

Let's talk about it _____ dinner tonight.

19 / 20

I start work _____ half past eight.

20 / 20

We left home _____ noon.

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