Tedesco per principianti - Game di memoria - Vocabolario Head and Face

  • A free online flashcard matching game (with voice) to enhance your grasp of basic German vocabulary
  • A fun online game for German learners of all age, kids and adults

German for Beginners – Memory Game – Head and Face Vocabulary

Learn how to say the different parts of the head and face in German

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der Kopf the head head
die Haare (pl) the hair hair
das Gesicht the face face
die Stirn the forehead forehead
das Auge, die Augen (pl) the eye, the eyes eye(s)
die Augenbraue, die Augenbrauen (pl) the eyebrow, the eyebrows eyebrow(s)
die Wimper, die Wimpern (pl) the eyelash, the eyelashes eyelash(es)
das Ohr, die Ohren (pl) the ear, the ears ear(s)
die Wange, die Wangen (pl) the cheek, the cheeks cheek(s)
die Nase the nose nose
das Nasenloch, die Nasenlöcher (pl) the nostril, the nostrils nostril(s)
der Mund the mouth mouth
die Zunge the tongue tongue
die Lippe, die Lippen (pl) the lip, the lips lip(s)
der Zahn, die Zähne (pl) the tooth, the teeth tooth, teeth
das Kinn the chin chin
der Kiefer the jaw jaw
der Bart the beard beard
der Schnurrbart the moustache moustache
das Lächeln the smile smile

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