Quiz sulla grammatica inglese – Preposizioni di tempo (at, in, on) - Tutti i livelli

Metti alla prova la tua conoscenza delle preposizioni di tempo inglesi (at, in, on)

Se sei un principiante o uno studente elementare (A1 – A2), clicca qui per la versione elementare del quiz.

Clicca qui per le note grammaticali e l'elenco degli esempi.


- All Levels -

1 / 20

People used to live differently _____ the past.

2 / 20

We're going on holiday _____ the day after tomorrow.

3 / 20

They're getting married _____ three months' time.

4 / 20

I called her _____ the day before yesterday.

5 / 20

Jessica was _____ her lunch break.

6 / 20

They start work _____ dawn.

7 / 20

The clock strikes twelve _____ midday.

8 / 20

She was born _____ Christmas Eve.

9 / 20

I did a lot of work _____ the holidays.

10 / 20

His birthday is _____ 12th November.

11 / 20

What did you eat _____ teatime?

12 / 20

What did you do _____ the weekend?

13 / 20

We're going on holiday _____ December.

14 / 20

They arrived _____ 10:45 am.

15 / 20

We went to Italy _____ last summer.

16 / 20

What are you planning to do _____ Easter Day?

17 / 20

The shops close _____ 6 o'clock.

18 / 20

We usually get two weeks off school _____ Easter.

19 / 20

Do you often go out _____ the evening?

20 / 20

My sister learnt to drive _____ two weeks.

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