일반적인 영어 속어 및 숙어 퀴즈 최종 수정 날짜: 링고클럽 영어 이 무료 온라인 퀴즈로 영어 속어와 관용적 표현에 대한 지식을 테스트하고 결과를 바로 받아보세요. 이것 영어 속어 및 숙어 퀴즈 고급 학습자와 다음과 같은 영어 능력 시험을 준비하는 사람들에게 특히 유용합니다. 아이엘츠, 토플, 케임브리지 FCE, CAE 그리고 CPE. 0% 1 / 10 He was caught _____ trying to steal (caught in the act of stealing) a car. red-handed handed black-handed catch sb red-handed (doing sth) = catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal catch sb red-handed (doing sth) = catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal 2 / 10 egg someone on encourage someone to do something make someone very irritated or angry flatter or praise someone as a means of gaining their help 3 / 10 jump on the bandwagon get to the point and leave out unnecessary details help out, contribute or join in join an activity that has become very popular 4 / 10 What a beautiful car! I'm _____ with envy (envious / jealous). red blue green be green with envy = wish very much that you had something that another person has be green with envy = wish very much that you had something that another person has 5 / 10 throw in the towel join an activity that has become very popular help out, contribute or join in give up; stop trying to do something 6 / 10 cut to the chase do something in the quickest or cheapest way, often harming the quality of your work cost a lot of money, more than one can afford get to the point and leave out unnecessary details 7 / 10 a blessing in disguise a clever person who makes good decisions something positive in a difficult situation something that seems bad at first, but results in something good later 8 / 10 bark up the wrong tree lose an opportunity to do something by being slow to act try to do something in a way that will not work do something in the quickest or cheapest way, often harming the quality of your work 9 / 10 hit the hay / sack stop working or end an activity go to bed face a difficult or unpleasant situation bravely 10 / 10 A man who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth has always been _____. rich wise hungry be born with a silver spoon in your mouth = be the son or daughter of a very rich family be born with a silver spoon in your mouth = be the son or daughter of a very rich family Your score is LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 만화로 재미있게 영어를 배워보세요! 더 많은 리소스와 업데이트를 보려면 Facebook에서 저를 팔로우하세요!