Peppa Pig와 함께 영어 배우기 – 숨바꼭질 – 전사 및 번역

다양한 언어를 재미있게 배우세요 - Peppa Pig 다국어 만화를 시청하세요!

TV 쇼 대본/대화 대본(번역 포함)

다국어로 번역 - 언어 선택
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번역이 제대로 표시되지 않으면 페이지를 다시 로드하고 페이지가 완전히 로드될 때까지 기다리세요.

내용은 기본적으로 가능한 경우 사람이 일부 수정하여 자동 번역 엔진으로 번역됩니다.

Peppa Pig – Hide and Seek (S1 E5)
Peppa I’m Peppa Pig.
Peppa This is my little brother, George.
Peppa This is Mummy Pig.
Peppa And this is Daddy Pig.
Peppa Peppa Pig
Peppa Hide and Seek
Narrator Peppa and George are playing hide and seek.
Narrator It is George’s turn to hide.
Narrator He must quickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting.
Peppa One, two, three
Peppa four, five, six, seven
Narrator George has found somewhere to hide, just in time.
Peppa eight, nine, ten
Peppa Ready or not, here I come.
Narrator Peppa has to find where George is hiding.
Peppa Found you!
Narrator Peppa has found George.
Peppa George, I could see you too easily!
Narrator Now it is Peppa’s turn to hide.
George One, erm… three
Mummy I’ll help George to count.
Mummy One, two, three, four, five
Mummy six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Mummy Ok, George, open your eyes.
Narrator George has to find where Peppa is hiding.
George Oh!
Narrator Peppa isn’t hiding under the table.
Daddy George, have you thought of looking upstairs?
Narrator Peppa isn’t under the bed.
Narrator What was that strange noise?
Narrator Peppa isn’t behind the curtain.
Narrator There is that strange noise again!
Narrator What can it be?
Peppa Weee!!
Narrator George has found where Peppa is hiding.
Peppa George found me!
Peppa Now it’s Daddy’s turn to hide.
Daddy Oh, I think George should have another turn.
Peppa But George isn’t very good at hiding.
Daddy I’m sure he’ll be better this time.
Daddy Close your eyes and start counting.
Peppa One, two
Narrator Oh dear, Peppa will easily find George.
Peppa three, four, five, six
Daddy George, come over here.
Peppa seven, eight, nine, ten
Peppa Ready or not, here I come!
Peppa Oh! George isn’t hiding under the table.
Peppa But George always hides under the table.
Daddy Have you thought of looking upstairs?
Peppa I know where he is!
Peppa George is in the toy basket.
Peppa Oh!
Narrator George is not in the toy basket.
Narrator Where can he be?
Narrator Peppa cannot find George anywhere.
Peppa Daddy, I can’t find George anywhere.
Daddy Oh, dear, I wonder where he can be.
Daddy Actually, I think there’s something about George in this newspaper.
Peppa George! Found you!
Mummy Oh, George! That was a good place to hide.
Narrator George was hiding behind Daddy Pig’s newspaper all the time.

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