“아주 더워요!”라고 말하는 다양한 방법 영어로

It’s already summer in Hong Kong. This May has been hot enough to burn a polar bear’s butt! It’s over 34 °C (degrees Celsius) in the afternoon. It’s scorching! It’s wicked hot as hell!

In this post, let’s learn some different ways to express “very hot” in English.




Some expressions for “very hot”

  • It’s scorching (hot).
  • It’s a scorcher.
  • It’s hot as hell.
  • It’s like an oven outside.
  • It’s boiling (hot).
  • It’s wicked hot.
  • It’s sweltering.
  • It’s baking (hot).
  • It’s sizzling (hot).
  • I’m burning up.
  • I’m sweating bullets.
  • I’m sweating like a pig.
  • I’m roasting.
  • It’s hotter than blazes.
  • It’s so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
  • It’s hot enough to burn a polar bear’s butt.

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