Engels voor beginners - geheugenspel - hoofd en gezichtswoordenschat

  • A free online flashcard matching game (with voice) to enhance your grasp of basic English vocabulary
  • A fun online game for English learners of all age, kids and adults

English for Beginners – Memory Game – Head and Face Vocabulary

Learn how to say the different parts of the head and face in English

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head the head
hair the hair
face the face
forehead the forehead
eye the eye
eyebrow the eyebrow
eyelashes the eyelashes
ear the ear
cheek the cheek
nose the nose
nostrils the nostrils
mouth the mouth
tongue the tongue
lips the lips
tooth, teeth (pl) the tooth, the teeth
chin the chin
jaw the jaw
beard the beard
moustache the moustache
smile the smile

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