Quiz z gramatyki języka angielskiego – Przyimki czasu (at, in, on) - Wszystkie poziomy

Sprawdź swoją wiedzę na temat angielskich przyimków czasu (at, in, on)

Jeśli jesteś początkujący lub uczysz się na poziomie podstawowym (A1 – A2), kliknij tutaj, aby zapoznać się z podstawową wersją quizu.

Kliknij tutaj, aby zapoznać się z uwagami gramatycznymi i listą przykładów.


- All Levels -

1 / 20

I bought all the presents _____ the week before Christmas.

2 / 20

He wouldn't play with me _____ recess.

3 / 20

The Beatles made their first hit records _____ the sixties.

4 / 20

They start work _____ dawn.

5 / 20

We had good weather _____ all week.

6 / 20

What do you want for dinner _____ a hot summer's evening?

7 / 20

We're going on holiday _____ the day after tomorrow.

8 / 20

People used to live differently _____ the past.

9 / 20

She works _____ night and sleeps _____ the day.

10 / 20

The centre is open from 9 am to 6 pm _____ weekdays.

11 / 20

It gets very hot _____ the day.

12 / 20

Maria was born _____ the afternoon of February 1, 1989.

13 / 20

I had to get up _____ the night to close the window.

14 / 20

We walked along the beach _____ sunset.

15 / 20

I was late for work _____ Thursday morning.

16 / 20

Do you often go out _____ the evening?

17 / 20

What will life be like _____ the future?

18 / 20

Goodbye! See you _____ a few days.

19 / 20

We will meet _____ next week _____ six o'clock _____ Monday.

20 / 20

We usually get two weeks off school _____ Easter.


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