Test de gramatică engleză – Prepoziții de timp (at, in, on) - Toate nivelurile

Testează-ți cunoștințele de prepoziții de timp în engleză (at, in, on)

Dacă sunteți începător sau cursant elementar (A1 – A2), faceți clic aici pentru versiunea elementară a testului.

Faceți clic aici pentru note gramaticale și lista de exemple.


- All Levels -

1 / 20

I did a lot of work _____ the holidays.

2 / 20

Joan was born _____ 1987.

3 / 20

I visit my grandma _____ every Sunday.

4 / 20

I'm having my first ukulele lesson _____ Thursday afternoon.

5 / 20

What did you eat _____ teatime?

6 / 20

It happened _____ last week _____ seven o'clock _____ Monday night.

7 / 20

Paul is getting married _____ this year.

8 / 20

They arrived _____ 10:45 am.

9 / 20

The whole family gets together _____ New Year's Day.

10 / 20

He had been a talented musician _____ his youth.

11 / 20

They got married _____ the week after Easter.

12 / 20

You can place an order and receive it _____ the same day.

13 / 20

He came to stay with us _____ the school holidays.

14 / 20

The street lights go on _____ dusk.

15 / 20

_____ of her departure for Amsterdam Hazel wonders why certain foods, like scrambled eggs, have been labeled breakfast foods.

16 / 20

Although sports drinks are great, they should be avoided _____ the hours before a match.

17 / 20

It rained _____ all day.

18 / 20

I was about ten years old _____ the time.

19 / 20

They're getting married _____ three months' time.

20 / 20

This cathedral was built _____ the Middle Ages.

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