- A free online flashcard matching game (with voice) to enhance your grasp of basic French vocabulary
- A fun online game for French learners of all age, kids and adults
Learn how to say the different parts of the head and face in French
la tête | голова head |
les cheveux (m) | волосы hair |
le visage | лицо face |
le front | лоб forehead |
l’œil, les yeux (pl, m) | the eye, the eyes eye(s) |
le sourcil | бровь eyebrow |
les cils (m) | ресницы eyelashes |
l’oreille (f) | ухо ear |
la joue | щека cheek |
le nez | нос nose |
les narines (f) | ноздри nostrils |
la bouche | рот mouth |
la langue | язык tongue |
les lèvres (f) | губы lips |
les dents (f) | the teeth teeth |
le menton | подбородок chin |
la mâchoire | челюсть jaw |
la barbe | борода beard |
la moustache | усы moustache |
le sourire | улыбка smile |