Lära sig tyska / German Vocabulary and Memory Games
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Learn how to say the different parts of the head and face in German

der Kopf | the head head |
die Haare (pl) | the hair hair |
das Gesicht | the face face |
die Stirn | the forehead forehead |
das Auge, die Augen (pl) | the eye, the eyes eye(s) |
die Augenbraue, die Augenbrauen (pl) | the eyebrow, the eyebrows eyebrow(s) |
die Wimper, die Wimpern (pl) | the eyelash, the eyelashes eyelash(es) |
das Ohr, die Ohren (pl) | the ear, the ears ear(s) |
die Wange, die Wangen (pl) | the cheek, the cheeks cheek(s) |
die Nase | the nose nose |
das Nasenloch, die Nasenlöcher (pl) | the nostril, the nostrils nostril(s) |
der Mund | the mouth mouth |
die Zunge | the tongue tongue |
die Lippe, die Lippen (pl) | the lip, the lips lip(s) |
der Zahn, die Zähne (pl) | the tooth, the teeth tooth, teeth |
das Kinn | the chin chin |
der Kiefer | the jaw jaw |
der Bart | the beard beard |
der Schnurrbart | the moustache moustache |
das Lächeln | the smile smile |