Spanish for Beginners – Memory Game – Head and Face Vocabulary

  • A free online flashcard matching game (with voice) to enhance your grasp of basic Spanish vocabulary
  • A fun online game for Spanish learners of all age, kids and adults

Spanish for Beginners – Memory Game – Head and Face Vocabulary

Learn how to say the different parts of the head and face in Spanish

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la cabeza the head head
el pelo the hair hair
la cara the face face
la frente the forehead forehead
el ojo the eye eye
la ceja the eyebrow eyebrow
las pestañas the eyelashes eyelashes
la oreja the ear ear
la mejilla the cheek cheek
la nariz the nose nose
las fosas nasales the nostrils nostrils
la boca the mouth mouth
la lengua the tongue tongue
los labios the lips lips
los dientes the teeth teeth
la barbilla the chin chin
la mandíbula the jaw jaw
la barba the beard beard
el bigote the moustache moustache
la sonrisa the smile smile

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