英文語法測驗 – 時間介詞 (at, in, on) – 所有級別

測試你的英文時間介詞知識 (at, in, on)

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- All Levels -

1 / 20

My sister learnt to drive _____ two weeks.

2 / 20

The shops close _____ 6 o'clock.

3 / 20

We left home _____ noon.

4 / 20

I'm leaving _____ next Monday.

5 / 20

We usually get two weeks off school _____ Easter.

6 / 20

What did you do _____ the weekend?

7 / 20

What will life be like _____ the future?

8 / 20

We arrived _____ a few minutes ago.

9 / 20

We went to Italy _____ last summer.

10 / 20

Maria was born _____ the afternoon of February 1, 1989.

11 / 20

What are you planning to do _____ the Christmas holiday?

12 / 20

Come and see me _____ break.

13 / 20

We get up very early _____ schooldays.

14 / 20

I bought all the presents _____ the week before Christmas.

15 / 20

We had good weather _____ all week.

16 / 20

What do you want for dinner _____ a hot summer's evening?

17 / 20

I was about ten years old _____ the time.

18 / 20

I heard a funny noise _____ the night.

19 / 20

She works _____ night and sleeps _____ the day.

20 / 20

_____ you were born, you brought wonder and magic to the world.


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