

英语俚语和习语测验 对于高级学习者和准备英语水平测试的人特别有用,例如 雅思托福, 剑桥 FCECAECPE


1 / 10

Opera isn't exactly my _____. I don't like it.

2 / 10

Her last boyfriend was _____ (very stupid).

3 / 10

a blessing in disguise

4 / 10

cut corners

5 / 10

He was caught _____ trying to steal (caught in the act of stealing) a car.

6 / 10

To receive even the smallest amount of financial aid from a college, it's a real _____.

7 / 10

go the extra mile

8 / 10

get cold feet

9 / 10

cut to the chase

10 / 10

My father was the _____ sheep (a disgrace or failure of his family) - he ran away at 16 to become an actor and his parents never forgave him.

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