英语语法测验 – 时间介词 (at, in, on) - 小学阶段

测试您对英语时间介词的了解 (at, in, on)

该测验对于初学者或初级学习者(A1 – A2)来说是一个更简单的版本。如果您是中级学习者(B1或以上), 单击此处查看标准版本



- Elementary Level -

1 / 10

Ben can run 100 metres _____ 11 seconds.

2 / 10

Are you going to work _____ the summer holidays?

3 / 10

Let's talk about it _____ dinner tonight.

4 / 10

They arrived _____ 10:45 am.

5 / 10

I started my new job _____ the beginning of the year.

6 / 10

I only ever see my cousins _____ Christmas.

7 / 10

I don't work _____ Saturdays.

8 / 10

We're going on holiday _____ December.

9 / 10

Mom likes to have a hot drink _____ bedtime.

10 / 10

His birthday is _____ 12th November.


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