시간의 영어 전치사 (at, in, on)

시간 전치사(at, in, on) | 영어 문법 퀴즈


  • AT 특정 시점과 함께 사용됩니다(예: at midnight), 식사 시간(예: at dinner) 및 축제(예: at Christmas)
  • IN 하루의 일부와 함께 사용됩니다(예: in the morning) 및 월, 계절, 연도 등과 같은 더 긴 기간이 포함됩니다.
  • ON 특정 날짜, 날짜 또는 특정 날짜의 일부와 함께 사용됩니다(예: on Monday morning)

일반적으로 사용하지 마십시오. “at, in, on” 다음 단어/문구 앞에:

  • yesterday
  • the day before yesterday
  • tomorrow
  • the day after tomorrow
  • 다음 단어로 시작하는 시간 표현: all, any, each, every, last, next, one, some, this, that
    (e.g. I’m going to London next Tuesday.)


예시 목록:


  • at 11 o’clock
  • at 2 pm
  • at bedtime
  • at break / breaktime
  • at breakfast
  • at Christmas [ on Christmas Day / Eve ]
  • at dawn
  • at daybreak
  • at dinner / dinnertime
  • at dusk
  • at Easter [ on Easter Day / Sunday / Monday ]
  • at lunch / lunchtime
  • at midday
  • at midnight
  • at New Year [ on New Year’s Day / Eve ]
  • at night / night-time [ in the night ]
  • at noon
  • at present / at the present time
  • at recess
  • at sunrise
  • at sunset
  • at the beginning of
  • at the end of
  • at the moment
  • at the same time
  • at the time
  • at the weekend [ US: on the weekend ]
  • at this / that moment
  • at this / that time
  • at twilight [ in the twilight ]



  • in (the) autumn / fall
  • in (the) spring
  • in 1990
  • in 2 weeks / in 2 weeks’ time
  • in a moment
  • in an hour
  • in January
  • in July
  • in my childhood
  • in my youth
  • in the 21st century
  • in the afternoon
  • in the Dark Ages
  • in the days that followed
  • in the daytime
  • in the Easter holiday
  • in the evening
  • in the future
  • in the holidays
  • in the hours before
  • in the Middle Ages
  • in the middle of
  • in the morning
  • in the night [ at night ]
  • in the past
  • in the seventies / in the 1970s (’70s)
  • in the twilight [ at twilight ]
  • in the week of / before
  • in those days



  • on 1st August 2010
  • on a cold day
  • on a summer evening
  • on August 1st
  • on Christmas Day / Eve [ at Christmas ]
  • on Easter Day / Sunday / Monday [ at Easter ]
  • on holiday
  • on Monday
  • on Monday morning
  • on my birthday
  • on my lunch break
  • on my wedding day
  • on New Year’s Day / Eve [ at New Year ]
  • on schooldays
  • on that day
  • on the afternoon of
  • on the evening of
  • on the fifth of the month
  • on the first day
  • on the last day
  • on the last weekend of / before
  • on the morning of
  • on the night of
  • on the same day
  • on the weekend [ UK: at the weekend ]
  • on weekdays
  • on winter mornings



오디오북, 팟캐스트... 30일 동안 무료로 듣기

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