영어 문법 퀴즈 – 시간의 전치사 (at, in, on) - 모든 레벨

영어 시간 전치사에 대한 지식을 테스트하세요 (at, in, on)

초급 또는 초급 학습자(A1~A2)라면, 초급 버전의 퀴즈를 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요..

문법 노트와 예제 목록을 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.


- All Levels -

1 / 20

What kind of activities do you like most _____ the Easter holiday?

2 / 20

It gets very hot _____ the day.

3 / 20

We met _____ our first day at college.

4 / 20

You'll be able to see her _____ the day after tomorrow.

5 / 20

The street lights go on _____ dusk.

6 / 20

This house was built _____ the 19th century.

7 / 20

He never made friends, never played _____ recess.

8 / 20

I bought all the presents _____ the week before Christmas.

9 / 20

She works _____ night and sleeps _____ the day.

10 / 20

It was hard to see him clearly _____ the twilight.

11 / 20

What shall we do _____ the weekend?

12 / 20

The programme was shown on TV _____ one afternoon _____ last week.

13 / 20

What happened _____ the night of her death?

14 / 20

Mobile phones were invented _____ the 80s.

15 / 20

Where will you be _____ Christmas Day?

16 / 20

We will meet _____ next week _____ six o'clock _____ Monday.

17 / 20

Do you often go out _____ the evening?

18 / 20

What did you do _____ the weekend?

19 / 20

I heard a funny noise _____ about eleven o'clock _____ last night.

20 / 20

They finished the test _____ the same time.


오디오북, 팟캐스트... 30일 동안 무료로 듣기

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